hey all its 8/22/02 how goes it. sorry i havnt written in a while we have a drummer!!!!mike mccann hes awesome.derek is havin a party in a week and a half its gonna be awesome. um thats all the news i have so umm i dont know keep rockin ;later
i love lauren p!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/27/02 he all you punks inothing really new around here with the band umm im single and im in a band so it wont be hard to get a girl but oh well we were gonna prac. yesterday but that didnt work out so i dont know i think im gonna leave later
9/9/02 how goes it people not much here umm nothin has happened we have started over with the band redoing just about everything so that we will sound a lot better.about everyday this and last month a semi truck and a car or van have collided and people die so watch out were you are driven. later