Well another fun filled evening with everything to do but cant. Jesus Jimmy Seymour is stupid. I heard hes got a band in St. Louis. Well you wanna know what i have to say to that. Stay in St. Louis and dont come back.
ANy who. We were featured in Hanus Anus's Band spotlight for march. It is a true honor. I wasnt expecting it at all so wow. We got 3 new songs going but for the life of me i cant write lyrics for them at all.oo and josh ill get your band on the poll soon. also i talked to joey last night and i wanna play your so called show. it needs to be in a month or 2 tho so we can get ready cuz my drummer is grounded. it sucks. i also think theres a better place to play as well. its somewhere like in east alton. it has a stage and everything and i plan on checking into it. if we could get a stage it would be a great asset. i think. o well call me 2599874 to discuss it. and if anyone wants to call me to talk about anything you can call me too. o well. bye bye everybody.
Is anyone as excited as i am about getting a show together. I know everyone is looking forward to it. like i said call me. i need to know whos gonna play. i wanna get something going with publicity. cool posters and stuff. o well. to joey and blake: I think we should do the smallest side project. we need to start up finget food and have like 4 songs. Thatd be really cool. We should open for the show. Just a thought. o well g2 fly. fo sho. See you all on the flipside.
March 3, 2003
Howdy! well im totally stressed out on gettting this show together. everyone's really pissing me off. school sucks. well i guess thats all i have to say. bye
some date in 2003
so im not going to kill myself. ive thought about it before but i didnt do it, obviously. o well. bye bye
guess what guys another contest. write me an email about why you think that you should have our new cd. we dont want to hear that you asked for it cuz i wont buy it and if ur a drummer and want to rehearse with us just once youll win our cd. thank you. we may even throw in little extras like a wlca 89.9 t shirt.
July 26, 2002
hi all,
well its been another fun filled night hanging out with the radio station. im bored though. our cd was a disaster. you can barely hear the lyrics and it sounds just bad. not because but because of the 'producer'. im so mad. o a little girl died today in my area. some fucker abducted her. poor thing. he sexually asaulted her. she was only six. i give my condolences to the family of that little girl. im sorry people have to be so fucked. newayz umm hey if you wanna see a cool movie there's this movie called SLC Punk. its super cool. its well about punk life. o shit. well i think we may have found a drummer. justim galbreith. dont know ya but you sound promising. i heard your other band is just a cover band. we write our own songs. im so tired. good night
hi everybody. looks like weve found us a new drummer. yep. hes awesome.he has a $2500 drum set so that can just explain the caliber of this guys playing. were writin new songs and stuff. schools startin again too. i have no one i know in any of my classes. you know im sick of fake bands.
everybody somehow has a band and theyre somehow the drummer or guitarist of this band. i then ask so what kind of equipment do you have and they say i dont have an instrument yet and i cant play but im in this band. its just totally messed up. i mean who do these people think they are. were real. were probably only one of very few real bands out there today in the underground. im proud of my band. o by the way im giving away $100 next monday at school. all u have to do is give me $50 and ill give you a hundred.not see thats how these "bands" are they say something and it isnt true. well g2g.
hello people. im bored. u ever see the website from jay and silent bob strike back? well u should i just visited it and its hillarious. www.moviepoopshoot.com its great if ur into downing everybody's ideas and projects. im gonna go now bye bye.
Howdy. Look Sam. Im writin in here. how is everyone. well the battle went great. I had fun. Unspoken truth played first. then honorable mention, and dysphoria. then came hanus anus and satellite affair. then us we did ok. then played bad logic. then the host band 8 miles from denver played they did well. afterwards we went to my house to drop off equipment and later arrived at steak and shake. we ate wow thats what ya do there. then i slept in the booth and they poked straws up my nose. it saudi got dragged out of there by his dad cuz his dad didnt know of his wearabouts. i dont get it. saudi called. now he is forced to quit which totally sucks. so now were in the process of finding a new bass player. hopefully we can get saudi's dad to cool down. we have practice tomorrow. its just gonna be me and mike working out the 3 new songs ive written. after the battle ive been in a real artistic state. cool ideas running through my head. its all very exciting. well i gotta fly. cyaz later.
Derek the guitarist.
ps new pics up soon from roundhouse and battle.
Yes it is true. we have dropped saudi. i cried when i did it. it was very hard for me. o well it had to be done. we are currently looking for a new bass player and possible new guitarist. bye bye.